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How to Make the Most of Your Old Posts

Mariella Posted by Mariella

Have you been blogging for a while? If you’ve been in the blogosphere for quite some time, chances are that you’ve been expanding that blog of yours quite well, or that you now have quite a few blogs to boast of. And most probably, you have quite a number of old posts in your archive dating a few months back. Surely, you don’t want these posts to remain buried forever. I’m sure you have one or two among them which you’re particularly proud of, that you don’t want to see forgotten for good. Here are a few techniques I’ve been using to make the most out of my old posts:

1. Interlink Posts Regularly

Interlinking posts will get some juice to your internal pages, and at the same time, will get your readers to stay longer on your blog to read the posts you’ve interlinked to. Keep linking to old posts on your newer ones so that these posts won’t be forgotten.

2. Create a Series / Spin New Topics Based on Older Ones

If you’re out of post ideas, surf the old posts in your archive and create a series based on the old ones. By series, I mean create new posts which will tackle a new angle or a new issue which is related to the one you tackled before. Of course, make sure you interlink between your series. You’ve seen me create a series of posts here before. If you take time to analyze my posts, many are related to older posts I did before.

3. Create a Resource of Links to Your Most Popular or Best Posts

If you feel like you have a good number of old posts which could count as classics in your book — including resource posts and ( posts — you can think of a way to make them easily accessible. One possible way is by linking to them in your sidebar.

4. Regularly Post a Recap of the Posts you Did for a Particular Range of Date

One of my clients actively does this for a blog I write for, most particularly because of the highly-dynamic news nature of that blog. You can create a post containing links to the posts you did for the day or the week, for example, as sort of a roundup. This helps people get around and not miss out on one or any of the post due to post blindness. By that, I mean not seeing a particular post because of the sheer number of posts done for a single day or week or month.

How about you? Do you have other ways to make the most out of your old posts? Leaving them to rot in your archives would be such a shame. You have put thoughts and ideas into these posts — don’t let them go to waste. Think up of ways to get them to see the front page of your blog again, believe me, it’s worth the effort.


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