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Save Some Ideas for Rainy Days – Creating a Piggy Bank of Blog Posts

Mariella Posted by Mariella

Piggy Bank

It’s inevitable to run out of ideas to blog when you do it everyday. Sometimes it feels like you’ve already tackled every available topic in your niche and you just can’t think of anything at all. At times like these, there are many things you can do to curb having a post-less day. You can hire a guest blogger, buy content, etcetera, etcetera. But I believe that’s a topic which warrants its own post. This topic is about what you can do to save some ideas which can be used when you’re all out of them.

1. Type Them All Out

When you feel like you’re able to write more than just one blog post that day, sit it out and write multiple articles. Coming up with posts for the entire week, for example, is ideal. However, even if you come up with only a few, you would benefit from your efforts in the future. You could either save them all on your PC for the next few days or time your posts for the future in WordPress if you use it.

2. Come Up With Topics All at Once

If you’re feeling especially creative at one time yet you find yourself short on hours, you can come up with as many interesting topics as you can. Even if you can’t presently write on all of them, you can pull out your list and choose one when you’re all dried up. Sometimes, you’d even be pleasantly surprised because you might not even remember you wrote those topics before.

3. Write up a Bunch of Flash Cards

You could create a bunch of flash cards with random disassociated words you deem might interest you in the future. When you’re totally out of ideas, take out your flash cards and pick once. From the word in the card, create an angle and a story to write.

4. Create an Emergency Resource Pool

Aside from writing blog posts ahead of time, you could also write any inspirational ideas and keep them for future use. Unlike suggestion number 1, your resource pool of ideas should NOT be touched unless you are in dire need of a blog post. Use them only when you are absolutely, positively, 100% sure that the first three options are not available. In short, use them only in case of emergency.

These are a few suggestions on how you can save ideas for blog posts for a later date. How about you? How do you save your ideas?


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